
Well, This Is New!

It’s been a while since I set up a new WordPress website. There have apparently been a lot of changes! Please bear with me while I figure it out. You’ll notice that that becomes a theme around here!

Welcome to Airflow.Digital. My name is Bryan Davis. This is my new spot on the web to commentate on technology based topics, and offer help with tasks you may be trying to perform on your computer, and other related gadgets.

I’m best known as a musician (specifically a trumpet player) and educator. In the past few years, I’ve published a number of books, and over 100 YouTube videos, to help brass players hone their craft, through my Airflow Music imprint. During the course of all my activities, in the past couple of decades, a common thread has been my use of and affinity for technology. Among friends and family, I’m known as much for providing tech support as anything else!

Since I spend so much time helping people with their computer tasks, I decided to spend a little extra time documenting the answers to some of the things I get asked about most. At the moment, as I write in late 2020, that tends to be video editing, which has occupied much of my time during the past 8 months of pandemic living. However, my overall scope is broad. I’ll be producing “how tos” both in written and video form, as well as my musings on whatever comes to my mind.

So, welcome once again. Time to get back to reading the instructions so you don’t have to. More from me shortly…